Auckland Sports College - Physics

Auckland Sports College - Physics

We view University Entrance Physics as a three year course, beginning in Year 11. The content of the Level 2 external exams will be covered for the first time in year 11 and students may choose to sit one or more of them. The atomic and nuclear (AS91172) and the Investigation (AS91168) internals will be completed in Year 11.

In Year 12 students will solidify their knowledge of the Level 2 externals, and the content of the Level 3 external exams will be covered for the first time. The modern physics (AS91525) and Investigation (AS91521) internals will be completed. Students can choose which externals, if any, they wish to sit.

In Year 13 the focus is on the content of the Level 3 external exams. The application (AS91522) internal will be completed as will the 'Astronomy' Earth and Space internal (AS91415) - for students who don't have UE literacy or who don't have UE science/physics completed before the external exams. Students can choose which externals, if any, they wish to sit.

Level 3

To gain UE in physics a student needs 14 credits from the table below. This can't be done without achieving an external exam.

AS91524 Mechanics 6Cr
AS91526 Electricity 6Cr
AS91523 Waves 4Cr

AS91521 Practical Investigation 4Cr
AS91522 Application of Physics 3Cr
AS91525 Modern Physics 3Cr
AS91527 Informed Response 3Cr

Level 2

AS91170 Waves 4Cr
AS91171 Mechanics 6Cr
AS91173 Electricity & Electromagnetism 6Cr
AS91168 Practical Investigation 4Cr
AS91169 Selected Context 3Cr
AS91172 Atomic and Nuclear 3Cr