Auckland Sports College is a high-achieving school. Our students fall into three groups.
The main task for students in
their junior years is to achieve the NCEA literacy and numeracy corequisites. We expect that most students who enter Auckland
Sports College in Year 9 will attain the corequisites in Year 10. With the corequisites attained the task in Years 9 and 10
is to prepare students for the Level 2 NCEA external examinations. We expect students to leave Year 10 with half the credits required
for NCEA level 2
We regard the middle years (Years 10-12) as the time for preparing students to enter the workforce. Learning is focussed on
areas that interest students, content that they will use in the workforce, or content needed to provide a platform for university
or other tertiary study. These are also the years when students will learn the real skills required for success - reliabilty, punctuality,
integrity, respect, and effort.
The focus of the senior years at Auckland Sports College is sporting and academic excellence.
We regard University Entrance as something to be attained over two years. We are very supportive of students who wish to give
professional sport a push by staying at school for a year 14, picking up a student allowance, and perhaps enrolling in a university
paper or two.
Many Pacific and Maori students struggle in their first year of university. In 2025 we are going to try to ease this transition.
We are aiming to have one of our Year 13 students complete UE by the end of Term 2 and then enrol in a university paper in the second semester while
he studies for externals. If this works out well, we will aim for "interested-in-university" students to complete UE in Year 12 and to then
enrol in a university paper, or even two, in each semester after they get UE. We have four universities operating in Auckland (Canterbury
and Massey are extramural). ASC students could even do a paper at Unitec or MIT. There are some issues to iron out with the institutions.
For example, The University of Auckland enrolment regulations, allow the university to terminate the enrolment of full-time secondary students.
Also, rank score requirements are a barrier to admission at the University of Auckland. Even with MOPAS a rank score of 140 is required for admission
to a B.Sc. This will be difficult to attain when a student first gets UE with 42 credits.
Juniors - Years 9, 10, and 11
English, Maths, PE, and Science are compulsory subjects for students until the NCEA literacy and numeracy corequisite has been obtained.
Once the corequisite is completed there will be more time for modules such as music, art, and technology. However, the priority is to ensure
students are well prepared to tackle Level 2 external exams.